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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  September 22, 2010 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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wish we had more time. the news continues as we toss greta van susteren going on record. see you tomorrow night. >> greta: tonight, stay right where you are. you do not want to move. former first lady laura bush is going on the record. plus senator lindsey graham, governor pawlenty, bill o'reilly, jon stewart and more. sarah palin joins us live from alaska. good evening governor. >> hi, greta how are you? >> greta: very well. right to delaware. can christine o'donnell win the united states senate seat and is she going to win? >> i think she suit absolutely can win. she need -- i think she absolutely can win. she needs to stay on -- stay focused. funny we are learning more about christine o'donnell and her college years and her teenaged years and her financial dealings than anybody ever bothered to ask
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about barack hugh seen obama candidate and now our president. she is -- doing great she is going to win. >> greta: her opponent chris coons is getting a lot of press, aggressive reporting on something he wrote 25 years ago. when he was in college about whether he was a bearded marxist or not is that fair to go after him? >> i think it is fair to dig in somebody's past, if you will and find out their associates and beliefs and what formed their beliefs. more important is coons' position today on growing government and his desire to join with the extreme left, the democrats in congress and start taking away more of our liberties, via that growth of government they've so embraced. that is more important than
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him admitting he was a bearded marxist back then. somebody needs to ask him if he still is such a thing that would be interesting to hear. >> greta: i think he's denied it multiple times. what he's saying is he is running on his record people know him delaware. i think it is using politically against him much like goes on in politics sort of smearing him. he's getting a taste of what others have gotten. what you have gotten, what a lot of candidates get. i'm trying to figure out when are we get to put behind the step where we jab each other unfairly, because the other guy did it. >> absolutely right. what you are suggest something let's stick with what is relevant today. what is relevant today is a candidate's intends where they are going to go with spending and growth in government and our constitution. that is what needs to be focused on. we only have 41 days until midterm elections. that is what voters who are wise in their collecting of
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information, that's what they want and need know what is the intention of these candidates? >> greta: is the republican party imploding a bit from the tea party movement? now to your state alaska, senator murkowski, who lost the primary to joe miller, now running as a write-in. some say she is a sore loser. don't know if she is a spoiler or not, but what about lisa murkowski? >> you have to remember after she was handed her job by her father frank murkowski who served many years in the senate, lisa, recently of course ran as a republican and she was essentially fired guy the -- by the gop primary voters they said no thank you we want new ideas, common sense conservatism to represent our statement she was fired by the gop primary voters. she tried to run as a libertarian. they said you are not one of us, you can't run representing our party. now he is running with the backing of many of the state's
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democrats. that seems to be kind of the mode of operation by a lot of liberals, within the republican party. not real principled, not really grounded on where they stan. doing whatever they can. sake whatever they can to get elected. that's unfortunately where we see lisa today. >> greta: you have senator murkowski in alaska. you have governor crist in florida. who also he saw the writing on wall trying to get the republican nomination. you've got mike castle who said that it is reported tonight he has not said he's going to be a write-in it seems he has left the door open a little that he might be a write-in against christine o'donnell. sitting back and looking at the republican party, it doesn't look like there's much unity. it looks like there's some implosion as a result of the tea party, wrong? >> i've always appreciated that the republican party, contested primaries and even after, we are not afraid to duke it out.
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we are not just sheep going along to get along with one anointed leader. within the party there's healthy debate and good competition. i do believe now is the time for unity. after the republican voters have spoken in a primary now it is time to move forward with the agenda best for the individual states and for our nation as a whole that is, unfortunately, not what is happening now with for instance, senator lisa murkowski, trying to run as a libertarian. now trying the third strike that she has underway now. that's far from trying to unite the agent dark the party, the message, the common sense solutions that have to be plugged in to get our country back on the right track. >> greta: does she have any shot at it? i don't have a sense of alaskan voters or what the numbers are? does she have any shot at all at winning? >> there are so many alaskans like the rest of america saying no more of the same. we are not embracing
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status quo any more. that's what the tea party movement is about. there is no one tea party, but tea party americans rising up and saying we are going to electric those who will protect the constitution, rein in the government and allow the private sector to grow and prosper. there are enough alaskans who embrace those principles to vote for joe miller and send him to d.c. to help lead the u.s. senate. >> greta: we played the sound bite the other day where you seem to least door open to run yourself. what is it that in your mind would be a reason to run? >> a reason to run is if nobody else were to step up with the solutions that are needed to get the economy back on the right track and to be so committed to our national security that they are going to do all they can, including fighting those on extreme left who seem to want to dismantle
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some of our national security tools that we have in place. if nobody else wanted to step up, greta i would offer myself up in the name of service to the public. but, i also know that anybody, anybody can make a huge difference in this country without a title, without an office, just being out there as an advocate for solutions that can work to get the country on the right track that's where i am now. it is a comfortable place to be. if my candidacy wasn't good for my family, if it wasn't good for the common sense conservative agenda that needs to be adhered to, then i wouldn't run. i don't need the title. i don't need any self-gratification or personal power seeking of my own to run for office. >> greta: now a backdoor question. are you more likely to run today in your mind than you were for instance six months ago or less likely than six months ago? >> i am in the same place as i
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was six months ago, absolutely concentrating on the midterm election. >> greta: you haven't moved an inch either way? >> nope, nope still very committed to doing all that i can to make sure in these midterm elections that we have people elected heading to congress who will do the right things for this country. >> greta: governor, thank you very much. i understand we'll see you monday, thank you. >> okay, see you monday. >> greta: does the obama administration have a plan to give backdoor amnesty to illegal immigrants? senator graham is suspicious. he's here next. ice director john morton responds. laura bush goes on the record about the tea party movement and a special project that has her teaming up with president clinton. mrs. bush is minutes away. then jon stewart enters the no-spin zone. does the comedian regret voting for president obama?
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stewart vs. o'reilly, coming up. [ rattling ] [ gasps ] [ rattling ] [ laughing ] [ announcer ] close enough just isn't good enough. - if your car is in an accident, - [ laughing continu ] make sure it's repaired with the right replacement parts. take the scary out of life with travelers. call or click now for an agent or quote.
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words alone aren't enough. our job is to listen and find ways to help workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross. we'll keep restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund. i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right.
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>> greta: several republican senators are suspicious of president obama that his administration has lane to give backdoor amnesty to illegal immigrants. the republicans on the senate judiciary committee just fired off a letter janet napolitano demanding answers about a series of memos recently made publish. in a statement to on the record a spokesperson denies they are engaged in backdoor
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amnesty claiming they are on pace to put more in immigration proceedings this year than ever before. what does the letter from the republican senators allege? senator graham signed the letter he joins us live live. good evening. >> hello. >> greta: what does your letter say? >> explain yourself? tell us how these memos came about? if you look at the memos, detailed analysis of how administratively the administration could get around deporting certain people. if you catch someone who is here illegally but may be subject to coverage under the dream act if it ever passed, let's look at not deporting them if you catch someone illegally who may be subject to getting a job if the bill passed. they are looking for ways not to deport people here illegally that amount to amnesty. two memos in question we want to know who wrote 'em and how serious were they?
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>> greta: i have copies as well. where did you get them? >> we got -- the committee got 'em. i don't know where. >> greta: have they been leaked. is there intrigue involved? >> all i can tell you, you've got the document. they talk about prose and cons. one of the things says you will be seen as abdicating your responsibility to enforce the law and people will call this amnesty. the pros would be you get people out of the shadows and get them identified. we need comprehensive immigration reform. congress needs to do it by statute this is a dangerous precedent to set. could administratively go around a congressional enactment that is not good for the country. growth the irony with that is -- >> greta: the irony with that, that's the criticism the obama administration has with arizona they are end running. by virtue of this memo they
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are trying end run as well. >> they are saying the state of arizona is basically usurping federal government territory. they are doing things the stays are not allowed to do. this member snow an effort to design a pathway forward to get around congress. a memo that talks about how would you do that. >> i guess the thing is, it is not like -- [ talking over each other ] >> greta: i'll tell what bothers me. it is not like it is accidentally trying to end run congress assuming it is authentic. it talks about the fact they are worried they are going to face criticism if they get caught that's the way i read it. >> it is a political document. they come up with a legal theory of how you can avoid deporting people in violation of the law to try to curry favor with certain elements of the hispanic community. they got a pro and con section about what you would say in support and how you would answer criticism this is a political document as well as a legal document.
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it makes people suspicious. president obama promised in 2008, that he would bring about comprehensive immigration reform in his first year. he's let everybody down. he talked about health care the first year. they are bringing the dream act on the defense bill. this is an effort to end run congress because they did not fulfill their promise they made to the country as a hotel deal with immigration. they are trying to do it through the backdoor. this is not the way to solve immigration. >> greta: the backdoor as we approach the midterm elections. >> isn't it odd this comes out before an election where they are getting pounded? growth i've given all of you guys hel will be about the fact that the discussion -- hell, about the fact that the discussion of the bush tax cuts everybody knew it was going to happen now on the eve of the elections everybody acts like it was just discovered. >> unfortunately that's the way politics works. when you get near a election when you are behind they put
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on the dream act which has nothing to do with the defense of the nation to try and help the hispanic turn-out. they put on defense bill repeal don't ask -- [ talking over each other ] >> greta: if it were tacked on -- >> it could make sense -- i'm not for allowing two million people under the dream act, citizenship until you secure the border if you don't you have to -- secure the border then talk about this other stuff. >> greta: if you look at the dream act, in order to qualify it is rigorous, you have to be an outstanding person, in order to make it through. >> two million people qualify if were you brought here as a child, and not of your own will, your parents brought you here. allows you to go to college or go in the military if you don't secure the border people are going to keep coming here. every time you legalize people without securing the border you are inviting illegal
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immigration. what about the person who came here as a 2-year-old and their brother and sister was born here in america? they are automatically entitled to citizenship that makes no sense to me. >> greta: thank you. john morton is here to fire back. yes or no is homeland security planning backdoor amnesty? we report, you decide, next. gecko: sir, i feel a little bit uncomfortable with all... you know... with all this. i mean, it's not about me. should be about how geico's the third-largest car insurance company in the nation. things like that. boss: oh, of course! we're not gonna get carried away. gecko: uh...yeah... all right as long as we don't overdo it. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. when you buy the hot new samsung fascinate with its super amoled screen.
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>> greta: is the truth, is the department of homeland security planning backdoor amnesty for some illegal immigrants or is the republicans rattling the white house? john morton director of immigration customs enforcement, joins us live. i want to acknowledge that i do know last year there was an increase of 42% number of people in deportation procedures. your numbers are up in terms of how many people who are illegal who you are removing, right? >> all time records. >> greta: what is with this member that the senate has? is this legitimate coming out of your department rather dhs? >> there's no plan for a backdoor amnesty. >> greta: is in your memo? >> in is not my memo. there's draft memos that never reflected official policy.
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>> greta: who wrote them? >> they are not ice memos, i don't know who wrote them. again they don't reflect what they are about. look at the results you just talked about. a record level of phroefls. if we were about a.m. thesey if that were -- the record level of removals. we are setting record levels of deportation. that is enforcing the law. >> greta: a couple of things. i know you are a career prosecutor. you never been easy on crime. i also know you've got so much resources and you can do so much resources, this memo is -- you say it is not your memo it is a draft member movement who are we paying -- why are we paying someone to sit around and draft these stupid things? >> every administration gets
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advice, thinks through hard issues, good ideas, bad ideas. at the enter of the day, there is nothing that comes close to amnesty being pursued by this administration. on the contrary, it is all about serious, tough enforcement. >> greta: i got that with you. but it does talk about -- the secretary would face criticism there's this backdoor thing. looks like someone is sitting around thinking about it. it is not a fleeting thought, someone put it in writing a that doesn't look good. talks about an end run on congress. much like the criticism the federal government has of arizona doing answer run on congress. i know your heart is in this. i've spoken to you. i totally get -- i hate to make you answer for this member movement you don't know who wrote it. you don't know where from. >> i don't know who wrote it. it is not our member movement we didn't participate in the writing of it. it dent reflect the department's policy. when you look at the record, we are doing the opposite.
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i don't support it, the president doesn't support it, the secretary doesn't support. we are about serious enforcement at the border, period. >> greta: in june of last year you asked for more money and more jobs. have you been back -- i realize you have a resource problem, have you been back to congress to ask for more money. we do need more jobs in this country. are you asking for more money and more bodies to help with the enforcement that will begin to relieve some problems. >> we have, as you know the congress passed a supplemental for southwest border. we already have an all-time high number of agents at the border. we are going to add to that we have the 1200 national guard. you are going to see the largest devotion of resources on the border this country has ever seen. >> greta: you want more? >> i do want more and we are getting more. >> greta: has congress turned you down for any money that you need for enforcement of the border or of the
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immigration laws? >> as we've discussed before, a lot of challenges that i face, as a career prosecutor carrying out this job is limited resources -- >> greta: are you asking congress and are they turning you down? >> not so much is congress turning us down. obviously, congress has to balance competing interests from our agencies. you can't just fund ice without with regard to funding other important government programs. so congress engages in a balance every year. that's appropriate. we are the best funded we've been as agency. as the secretary said today when she testified we do need more resources but it has to come in context of a reasonable budget. >> greta: you take marching orders from congress in terms of money, resources. however a memo where you are trying to end run it, i know it is not your memo but it
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certainly is peculiar. >> i can tell you it is not only my position, it is not the secretary position, it is not the department's position. stay tuned, just watch the facts are going to speak for themselves. you are going to see a continued effort at serious sensible enforcement. we'll let the facts be the ultimate arbiter. >> greta: love the facts. thanks for coming on. >> next, guess what happened six months ago tomorrow? let's say minnesota governor pawlenty is not popping the champagne. why is he fired up? governor pawlenty is here, next. or, like, you can dream it and do it. lists on nasdaq, the world's most innovative can-do exchange. [ male announcer ] ever have morning pain slow you down? introducing bayer am, an extra strength pain reliever with alertness aid to fight fatigue. so get up and get goin'!
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with xerox, you're ready for real business. >> greta: guess what tomorrow is? the six month mark since the national melt care bill was signed. adult keep children on their plan until age 26. insurers can no lodger deny coverage to children with preexisting conditions.
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minnesota governor pawlenty is not impressed. he joins us . good evening. >> good evening. growth is it you don't like the health care bill because of philosophy in the sense that the government shouldn't be so involved in people's lives or do you see it as a fiscal matter causing a burden on your state or both? >> well, i see it as a bait and switch campaign. we had a health care crisis in america. largely a cost crisis. president obama promised to fix the cost crisis. all he did was expand access to a broken system. those things you just mentioned are mostly good. we should include those in health care reform. but they didn't make the other changes necessary to hold down costs. there are reports now the premiums in the private markets next year will go up 10 to 25%. an extraordinary increase one of the largest in recent years. and the people providing that insurance are citing obamacare
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as the main reason. they didn't do the hard work of fixing the system they just added act stows a broken system. >> greta: as i understand it the way this was going to be deficit neutral was with the mandate. that was going to fund it. that would solve the problem. unfortunately that doesn't kick in until 2014. are you telling me what begins tomorrow has a cost? if it does i'm trying to figure out where we are getting the money? simple question, how much is it going to cost minute anyone in the next six months, if at all? >> let me back up one step. don't confuse deficit neutral with costing lessor the same. this is going to cost more. nobody debates that. they are just saying they paid for it. they didn't. they cooked the books. it is not in the long run going to be deficit neutral. they are increasing the overall cost of the system.
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they didn't do the work of fixing it. it is going to cost minnesota a lot on one small piece had we early enrolled it would have cost 400 or more million in the first few years for one piece. we should have done those things in this reform that put market reforms in place not government centric reforms in place they didn't. >> greta: there's an executive order you issued which you said you wanted to reject some of the federal funding is that correct? >> that's right. >> greta: why did you reject that? i know the second he father sebelius has said that is going -- secretary sebelius has said this is going to be a tough break for the people of minnesota. >> we were one of the few states that could early enroll we chose not to because it was going to cost a boat load of money. we have an insurance pool we didn't need their money. we don't need waste more money on that we have one and it
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works women. they wanted to give us money to study insurance exchanges. we don't want their we studied that two years ago and concluded they don't work as to containing costs. they don't have money. they are broke. borrowing from the chinese. yet here they come offering us money that we don't want and don't need in many cases. we said we are not taking the money unless it was something we were going to do anyhow consistent with a state priority ornishive could be. >> greta: where there string attached? the government said this is how you have to spend the money? were the so you could have taken the money and used it in other areas of health care in minnesota? >> no. they offer a teaser rate. we could have gone into early medicaid enrollment for single adults without kids. they say if you come in early we'll pay in the near term over time we'll back off that commitment and you will have to pay more andmore. it is like adjustable rate
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mortgages, reminds me of the storefront mortgage companies offering the teaser fright get nut door. the bottom line is for most americans who have private insurance, one of the main measures of whether in is going to be successful is, is their insurance going to cost more or less? increased costs, is it going to be reasonable? insurance companies in the private market saying there's going to be extraordinary increases a big chunk because of obamacare's failure. >> greta: any way to control what the insurance companies can charge? >> we have all kinds of mechanisms to do that. the best way to do it is competition. one example, we should have the federal government allow the stays to sell health insurance across state lines. i can go on the internet tonight and buy my life insurance, car inch -- insurance anything i want why am i limited to three choices of health insurance in
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minnesota? why can't i buy from california? why can't i buy from florida, get companies competing against each other with safeguards for consumer protection? there's the reforms that would save money. they won't an low that -- they won't allow that. why didn't they do medical malpractice reform. instead they jammed this partisan bill down the nation's throat on a partisan agenda. >> greta: governor, thank you. >> thank you. >> greta: next, laura bush goes on the record. why is she talking about tea parties? why is she joining forces with president bill clinton? mrs. bush is next. [ male announcer ] you can't un-smoke a cigarette.
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all available on the new 2011 lexus is. it isn't real performance unless it's wielded with precision. >> greta: next laura bush. but first to our new york newsroom with ainsley earhardt. >> reporter: the u.s. joining other members of the0;9jip &hc% security council in urging iran to return to the nuclear bargaining table. this comes as iran's president ahmadinejad visits the u.n. for a global summit. he insists his nation will he insists his nation wixçk despite threats of sanctions. he's set to follow president obama in a speech before the general assembly tomorrow. >> the confirmed death toll in that massive pipeline explosion in california now reaching seven. investigators using dna today confirming three members of
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one family were victims of that explosion. it happened in the san francisco suburb of san bruno. four hospitalized, three in critical. the september 9th, blast leveled foury homes. the ntsb is investigating. i'm ainsley earhardt we return to on the record. >> greta: two nights ago in new york president clinton went on the record. tonight former first lady laura bush. nice to see you. >> thanks. >> greta: you have been to the clinton global initiative before we followed you one year. >> that's right several years ago when george was president came to talk about water pyre case. this time i'm talking about literacy. the whole panel is developing human potential and of course literacy is a very important part. >> greta: is it to empower women? i know you have been to afghanistan. we even chased you around the
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middle east on breath cancer awareness. is it to empower women? >> this panel is really on all human development. for economic prosperity it is true one of the world challenges is gender inequity. because women are more likely to be illiterate, worldwide. and because they are marginalized in a number of countries they can contribute to any way to the economic production in their countries. that's what we'll talk about today. the ways we can make sure that with gender equity, that women have a chance to participate so -- >> greta: why is it so important that we do this? a lot of women and men might think what about here in the united states? we have problems here. >> absolutely. and we'll also talk about those problems, the ways each one of these literacy, every
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other thing that we talk about effect us in the united states. and our workforce. but it is important worldwide just if nothing else because of human suffering. because of the suffering that people have if they have aids or if they suffer from malaria or any number of diseases that if they were educated they would have -- be able to make wiser choices about their health. a really good education can help you in a lot of ways. one is with better health. we have research that shows educated people have better health. >> greta: you bring up malaria. you all over africa we interviewed you about your malaria initiative. >> if people know that you get malaria from a mosquito bite they protect themselves and use a bed net. just make sure their children and they aren't outside at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes bite.
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>> greta: intrigue about your trip to africa, for a small amount you can protect yourself. when you did the water purification, a simple idea kids on a merry-go-round could draw the water. if we just think a little, a little creative we can do so much. >> that's what a lot of this is. a lot of the new engineering we are seeing in the united states for humanity. figuring out a simple thing like a merry-go-round that could be a pump and could pump clean, freshwater for a schoolyard. all of those things are great ideas that you can take to scale. they are great for one schoolyard. but it is also something that can be done for a lot of them. the same with malaria. with being age to distribute bed nets which don't cost -- being able to distribute bed nets which don't cost much. then save with the money you have to spend to treat people
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who have malaria or people who are so sick with malaria, they can't work and can't be productive. >> greta: why do you do this? i'm grateful, many are greatful that you use your star power and influence and experience. you don't have to be flying all over the country and hustling to try to help people. why do you do this? >> i became so interested in it when george was president. i've seen the real success of something like the president's emergency plan for aids relief which now millions across subsaharan africa are on anti-retro virals the american people probably don't know it is because of their generosity. system mat fix and smart way to use taxpayer money to partner with corporations and foundations and local people on the ground to deliver health services. all the time that we were doing that each of the -- each
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of the countries the countries were developing their strategies so when the money finishes, when it is zeroed out they have the infrastructure and the system set up to be able to continue. they've built their capacity far it. that's really the idea behind a lot of the delivery of aid that happened during george's presidency both with aids and with malaria and the millennium challenge as well. ways to help other countries, developing countries build a capacity so eventually they won't need aid from the united states or other parts of the developed world. >> greta: you mentioned the presidency i think of politics. what do you think about christine o'donnell and delaware and all the -- >> i knew you would get to the political question. >> greta: what do you think about that causing a lot of chatter on cable tv. >> the great news for me is i'm out of politics and george
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is too. we are watching from the sidelines with great interest. but we are not weighing none any of it. >> greta: is it fun to watch from the sidelines and think i don't have anything to do with this. i'm glad i'm out of this one? >> a . it is interesting to watch from the sidelines without the nervous tension that i would have if it were about us. that's sort of interesting to watch. >> greta: interesting time. tea party is a third-party movement. i guess for your family when ross perot certainly put a wrench in the works of politically years ago for your father-in-law. is the tea party interesting for to you watch? are you surpriseed? >> i think people are worried about spending. i think that's the whole thing behind it. they are worried about over spending. and i think they are worried about that personally for themselves. just in a time of economic uncertainty that people start to worry. i see that. and i understand that.
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>> greta: my concept of what a typical protester, having green up in the 60s or in the 70s, these don't -- we you see at town hall meetings, they look like -- >> next door neighbors. >> exactly. so it is different? >> i guess, i don't know i'm a student of american history for sure after having lived in such a historical time, that george and i did. also in that historical house. so we were so aware of the ebbs and tides of american history so it has been interesting to watch, but only from the sidelines. >> greta: you mentioned historical house, obviously you meant the white house the house where i interviewed you on your book the house in midland. >> i was talking about the white house. that was fun, thank you for coming out to interview me >> greta: you miss
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white house? >> of course i miss all the people. i still see a lot of people who i worked with. my former chief of staff is here with me today. she is doing a really great course for african first ladies all in new york right now for the united nations general assembly. she and a number of other people from the bush administrations and the clinton administrations are helping these african ifs set up their offices so -- african first ladies to set up their offices to help the people of their countries. i just met with three african first ladies a minute ago he, they are already doing great things in their countries, both f disease, for aids and malaria, also a lot of things that have to do with girls and women and the education of girls and women. that's inspiring. >> greta: you mentioned former chief of staff, as i recall she went over and was a poll
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watcher in afghanistan. >> she did. >> greta: a lot of your former staff are out. >> they are still busy. once you learn about policy, it is fascinating. george and i both as george says we are through with politics but we are not through with policy with the bush institute that will be part of the bush library in dallas we have a chance to continue for the rest of our lives working on policy issues that interest us. and human freedom. >> greta: how is the construction going on in the library? >> we have the groundbreaking november 16th. a couple of years later we should have the opening. we've already started the programming for the bush institute. i've hosted the u.s.-afghan women's conference that was a focus on literacy and education for girls and women in afghanistan. it will be a very fulfilling rest of our lives for both of
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us to have this chance to work on the bush institute. >> greta: i should ask about your father-in-law and mother-in-law who we know very well. how are they doing? >> they are doing really well. we were with them before labor day in maine for our summer vacation. they were -- president bush was funny and fun as usual. bar was her typical strong self and a lot of fun to be with. thank you for asking. >> greta: your book is still selling like hotcakes. >> my book is doing so that's fun. >> greta: it is always nice to see you. i know when you come here you do a lot to help a lot of people and inspire a lot of people including your former staff. >> thanks so much. thanks a lot. >> greta: next, bill o'reilly versus jon stewart. don't go away, you want to see this one. ♪
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>> greta: your best of the rest. jon stewart ends the no-spin zone. is the comedian disappointed with president obama? >> i think people feel a disappointment in that there was a sense that oh jesus will walk on water. now look at that he's just treading water. >> you pulled the lever for
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obama. if you had to go back in a time capsule would you vote for mccain? >> no. >> bill: you are standing by your man, you and tammy wynette. >> i would not suggest it is a country love song. i thought we were in such a place, much like the tea party feels now that the country was in such a place that we needed a more drastic reconstruction of policy. perhaps a deacon instruction of the powers that be. i thought -- this may be a chance to do that. i've been saddened to see someone who ran on the idea that you can't expect to get different results with the same people in the same system has kept in place so much of the same system and same people. >> bill: he has been drastic in the sense that -- >> how? >> bill: he separates himself from the regular folks two examples, the mosque thing all he had to say was yeah they have the right but it is not a good idea for sensitivities. he wouldn't do it.
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he wouldn't comment on the wisdom of. and you mocked him for. but he wouldn't comment on the wisdom. people are going you are the leader of the country. >> what people? >> bill: the folks the regular people. people who never would watch your show. people who watch you. >> you are making things up. when was the last time you visited levittown bill? >> bill: sunday i was there. >> you are saying folks, what are folks? >> bill: working american don't understand his thought process. >> that may be true but he didn't separate himself from working americans. he hasn't done enough to -- he ran on the idea the middle class was going to be his focus. >> bill: and it isn't. >> he's trying to preserve the tax cuts for them and the ones for people making $250,000 and above. >> did you get your health care premiums? >> they've been crazy for years. i pay for everybody at our
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show. >> greta: see more at 11 p.m. eastern. still ahead, christine o'donnell pulls a wicked campaign trick, yes wicked. stay tuned. ♪ [ male announcer ] every siness day, bank of america lends billions of dollars, to individuals, institutions, schools, organizations and businesses. ♪ working to set opportunity in motion. bank of america.
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